NCBI taxon id: | 1872022 NCBI; ENA; GoaT |
Order: | Araneae |
Family: | Gnaphosidae |
NCBI lineage: | Eukaryota;Metazoa;Ecdysozoa;Arthropoda;Chelicerata;Arachnida;Araneae;Araneomorphae;Entelegynae;Dionycha;Gnaphosidae;Zelotes; |
GoaT genome size (M): | 1,369 (ancestor) |
GoaT asm span (M): | 5,558 (ancestor) |
GoaT chr no.: | 22 (ancestor) |
GoaT haploid no.: | 10 (ancestor) |
GoaT ploidy: | 6 (ancestor) |
ToLID prefix: | qqZelLatr |
Below is information about specimens collected for this species retrieved from the Sample Tracking System (STS).
tolid | specimen_id | gal | collector_affiliation | date_of_collection | sex | organism_part | biosample | biospecimen | lifestage | symbiont | family | order or group | genus | taxon_id | scientific_name | common_name | tube_or_well_id |
Below are estimates of genome size, repeat size, heterozygosity based on k-mer specta analysis with GenomeScope2.
source | specimen | k-mer | k-cov | haploid size | repeat (%) | heterozygosity (%) | model fit (%) | model error (%) | histogram |
Below are stats for each PacBio seqeuncing run collected for this species.
pipeline | model | specimen | sample | date | instrument | run id | movie | well | movie length | tag | tag sequence | library load name | reads | yield | N50 | PCR dups (%) | filtered (%) | A (%) | C (%) | G (%) | T (%) | sample accession | run accession | exp accession | study accession | species | barcode |
Below are stats for each ONT seqeuncing run collected for this species.
pipeline | model | specimen | sample | date | instrument | run id | flowcell | type | library name | reads | yield | N50 | A (%) | C (%) | G (%) | T (%) | sample accession | species | report |
Below are stats for each Illumina run collected for this species. Click on a row to see associated plots from samtools stats.
pipeline | model | source | specimen | date | run id | read pairs | yield | avg qual | avg length | mapped bases (%) | dups (%) | MQ0 (%) | avg insert | sample accession | run accession | exp accession | study accession | sample | tag sequence | tag2 sequence | run status | npg status | species | barcode |
Below are results from a screen of the PacBio data using Mash screen against RefSeq assemblies. Only results with identity over 90% are displayed.
identity | shared-hashes | median-multiplicity | p-value | query | info |
Species composition by small subunit (SSU) presence in the assembly with MarkerScan.
specimen | contig | SSU length | attributed taxonomy by SSU | cluster |
MarkerScan cobiont assembly by read separation based on observed families (see above). These reads are both aligned to the assembly and independently re-assembled. The quality of these assemblies is assessed by their completeness according to BUSCO, their span and the number of reads they encompass. For more information here.
specimen | family | classified reads | original assembly | re-assembly | ||||||||
count | (%) | BUSCO | BUSCO | contigs | contig length | number of reads | BUSCO | contigs | contig length | number of reads |
Visualisation of a classification of the PacBio reads using a variation autoencoder on the k-mer counts.
specimen | visualisation |
Canonical tetranucleotide counts for each contig or scaffold reduced to two dimensions with UMAP to allow visualisation.
Features (colours represent quantile bins):
In-progress assembly QC.
specimen | asm | asm version | date | contig N50 | contigs | largest contig | scaffold N50 | scaffolds | largest scaffold | length | BUSCO | BUSCO lineage | BUSCO version | merqury | pretext |
In-progress organelle results from MitoHiFi or Oatk.
specimen | asm | organelle | date | length | genes | frameshifts | is circular | seqs | shared | unique | missing | reference |